Board Meeting Minutes
All minutes posted have been approved by the Board. Minutes can take up to two months to post online. Members may request an appointment with the President or Treasurer or both if they would like to review financials.
December 10, 2016, 8:00P - 9:30P / Winterhawks Skate Center
Present: Vice President, Kate Lee; Treasurer, Baya Young; Secretary, Summer Browner;
Hospitality Chair, May Lawson; Membership Chair, Nicole Flinterman; Safe Sport
Chair, Izumi Harukuni; Fundraising Chair, Fundraising Chair, Kelly Balazs; Coach Ikaika,
President OSC, Carole White
8:00 - 8:45P - SCORE organized and planned costumes with parents and skaters for
the Nutcracker Production to be held at Winterhawks Skate Center.
At 8:50P the meeting was officially called to order.
Kate welcomed and recognized OSC President, Carole White on behalf of Skating
Club of Oregon for coming to SCORE’s meeting and for all her hard work and
dedication. The Board shared its gratefulness for her leadership.
Carole shared the following updates with SCORE:
‣ Needs of both Oregon Skating Council (OSC) and Sherwood Carousel Figure
Skating (SCFSC) Club, in regard to leadership and positions that have been and
need to be filled. Carole’s overall goal of the OSC President is to develop the next
generation of leadership for OSC. Carole will soon be stepping down as President
of OSC and will step into President of Sherwood Carousel Figure Skating Club.
‣ SCORE Board said they would support Carole, OSC and SCFSC as much as
possible and in any areas that the club may be able to help.
‣ Changing By-Laws Committee - Carole would like one member from each club
and SCORE hasn’t been participating. Every office must have a position. Kate
asked Nicole if she would be interested and Nicole said she would think about.
‣ Judges School - five seats of 50 have been reserved for the late April Judges
School that is coming to Portland in 2017.
‣ PISC and SCFSC will be chairing hospitality for the event.
‣ Ikaika shared that he felt there should be a closed advisory panel on what it
takes to be a judge. He has some discussion and ideas with Doug H. about
how to offer judging and/or incentives for volunteers. Ikaika may go to
Governing Council.
‣ Currently, coaches are not able to judge and he suggested a
restructure and to recalculate the demographics along with the
level of commitment. These were some issues as well as a potential
issue migrating testing judges to IJS to 6.0, which the Board felt
should be brought up at Governing Council.
‣ Regionals will be hosted in Eugene/Medford - Most likely will be in early October,
possibly September depending on football schedules. Practice ice will also be
very limited.
‣ Synchrosectionals - Carole asked if SCORE could participate in Synchrosectionals
this year. Dates will be announced in January.
‣ Kate proposed that date get pushed out especially with the changing of
the guards between clubs as this maybe too much for a new Board to take
‣ Sherwood Invitational in August - needs a Committee Chair to run event. Request
for volunteers for Non-Qual and assistance in working with hotels, p/u people
from airports.
‣ SCORE requested target dates for Non Qual Competition and will support
‣ Spring Camp - SCORE thanked Carole for the $4,500.00 for the Spring Camp.
Ikaika has spring dates on calendar (March 20th). There is no cap on open
registration but there will be a registration close date and late registrations fees.
‣ Holiday Party - later this evening at Hillsboro Winter Rink at Orenco Station. SCORE
Jr Board will be providing the hot drinks, members can bring sweet treats. May will
leave the hospitality bins for Summer to bring to party.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:30P. /s/summer browner
A special meeting of the general membership of Skating Club of Oregon was held on October 26, 2013, at the Oregon Sports Offices in Beaverton, OR. As per bylaws, all members were notified both by electronic and physical mail, as well as notices posted both on the club’s website and Facebook page. Many members were in attendance.
Topics covered were:
Regional competitors recognition – skaters who had participated in the recent regional championships were recognized for their participation.
Sectional competitors recognition – Skaters who will advance to sectional competition were presented with a card signed by the board, and it was announced that their stipends of $500 each would arrive by mail.
Report of Board Activities – Kate Lee reported on the board’s activities for the membership year to date. Financial and organizational necessities have taken most of the volunteer resources available to the club, which has not allowed for a strong performance in the programs area. Members were encouraged to volunteer in any way they could to help out and allow for a larger inclusion of activities.
Committees – General members were reminded of the volunteer requirements for reimbursement of tests and competitions ( five hours) and encouraged to sign up for committees by placing their names on lists located throughout the room.
SafeSport report – Nina Kreofsky reported on the club’s compliance with the new SafeSport program required by both USOC and USFS. It was announced that the club is well on it’s way to becoming compliant by the December 31st deadline. Declaration of a compliance chair, three members completing training, and outreach to the general membership were among the benchmarks made. Volunteers were called for and the general membership was encouraged to complete the SafeSport training located on the USOC website. Any members wishing to join the committee, or having questions about the training should contact Nina at
Club Name change – Kate Lee led the presentation and following discussion on an opportunity that had been presented to the board which would create a partnership between the club and Winterhawks Skating Center. This would involve changing the name of the club to Winterhawks FSC. Several positive outcomes were presented, including the possibility of revenue creation through the club being allowed to run the freestyles at no overhead cost per session, and the club being able to use the Winterhawks name when requesting donations. Foreseeable outcomes would include not only more participation from the community, but also consistent revenue creation, something the club has not had in re-callable history. Negative foreseeable outcomes would include the need for new club apparel.
The membership brought many good questions about how the partnership would impact the individual. The biggest impact recognized was that the name would no longer be Skating Club of Oregon. This was clearly the biggest issue to the membership. There were concerns regarding the ability of skaters to wear their new jackets at other rinks, how ice would be leased, the mechanics of the name change, and at what rink and how many of the club’s skaters skate on a regular basis. It was suggested by a general member that the club move its charter to Mountain View, since many of the club’s skaters skate there, but the board stated their understanding that Mountain View is affiliated with Portland Ice Skating club as their secondary rink, and not available for such a move. Members were also concerned that they might be excluded from a vote, and with circulating rumors about changes having already been made, and they were informed that there was no truth to such rumors, and they will of course be included in a general membership vote on the bylaws in the coming months.
The meeting closed with little resolve, other than that the board will present proposed by-laws changes within the next few weeks for membership approval via absentee ballot or presence at a regularly scheduled board meeting.
Board Meeting at Oregon Sports, October 17, 2015, 8:40A – 10:40A
Attendance 5 members, plus Chair of IT, Erik K.
September Meeting Minutes – approved. Kate moved that we approved the minutes from September 12, 2015. Nina seconded, all in favor. Motion passed.
Nina received confirmation that the club is in “good standing” with CT12 from the Department of Justice (DOJ).
Calendar of Events has been created and has been uploaded to the website.
Anda reached out to Ameriprise, they do not deal with non profit. As part of the OSC update, Kate will discuss more in detail later this meeting.
Erik K updated site and added the November Fundraising, was able to get into the Paypal account and has Kate’s flowers money and is ready to accept payments.
ACTION ITEM: Anda to email Tiffany to find out if the debit card is still out there or has been destroyed.
Weekend sweep and the CD. The banker confirmed that it had already been done. Baayah requests a vote to write it off. Kate moves that we determine that the Bank of the West CD be written off if in fact it still exists, which the Board believe it does not as there are no current statements to be shown for it. Nina seconded. Motion passed.
We do not have September financials due to Baayah be out of town. Next meeting Baayah will present both September and October financials.
Baayah will have financials set for the 50/50 raffle by next meeting for the Raffle Gaming License Application for Anda. Nina will email the re-certificate for non profit status of 501(3)(c). Responsible officials for the certificate will include Anda, Kate, and Baayah.
Kate moved that the club purchase $1M policy for DNO as it has been in last years to be executed by Treasurer, Baayah for the cost of $550 plus $25 processing. Anda seconded. Motion passed.
Baayah has a request to be reimbursed sooner than later to balance books more efficiently.
Baayah will also like to receive statements from deposits. It costs $3 each time to view a statement. Nina to give Baayah statement all of the deposits and to send Baayah a detail excel sheet of each skater who has paid in XYZ amount to total what it being stated on the statement.
Anda would like to discuss at the November meeting about the possibility of switching banks because of the $3 charge.
Charles Schwab at present $186,344.06. Account has gone up from previous month. Wells Fargo available balance is $11,575.23 but we are six less checks out from the hospitality, cash and one from the book keeper hasn’t been deposited yet.
Kate shared OSC’s investments from the OSC Board Meeting, giving an illustration of what is happening in the market from a long term investment stand point. Kate proposes either shopping for a new investor or having Axel come to a board meeting and discuss investments further.
Nina reports the club has about 90 members.
Upcoming Competition -Ice Crystal Classic is seconded weekend of November and being split between two rinks – Mountain View and Lloyd Center. Kate will send an email out that an opportunity will be available to skaters to have an exhibition before the competition (sectionals).
Send Off for the skaters before Sectionals – ACTION ITEM: Anda to look into Groupon for Murder Mystery Dinner or Sunday Brunch time at Downtown or Hillsboro Spaghetti Factory. One skater and one parent will be paid for on proposed date of November 15th, 2015 at 1P for 21 people.
Nina moves to create an event in support of the skaters – going to sectionals -along with one parent and one coach with a budget of $700. Anda seconded. Motion passed.
Baayah moves that a $500 stipend be given to each SCORE skater, total of six, attending sectionals in the total amount of $3000. Anda seconded. Motion passed.
Fundraiser – Yankee Candle: Kate will move forward with getting all the things the club will need, most if will be online but there will be paper orders available. Products comes and we distribute. -OR- Another fundraiser Kate has looked into the padded seat cushions with SCORE logo/verbiage can be done inexpensively. ACTION ITEM: Kate will get more cost details.
Baayah moves to go for both fundraising options. Anda seconds. Motions passed.
Kate needs to reorder SCORE patches and bags to be available for club embroidery. Small patches for $5.00/50 piecesand $4.50/ 100 pieces, large patches $6.50/50 pieces and $6.00/100 pieces. Kate suggests 50 pieces of the large and 50 pieces of the small, which would cost $250 for small and $325 for large with a total of $600.00.
Kate moves that the club purchase 10 SCORE tote bags at a cost of no more than $10 each to be sold back to members at a profit. Nina seconds. Motion passed.
Spooky Skate – October 24th at 2:30P – 4:30P. Treats, games on ice. Flash mob skate of Addams/Thriller. Wear the costumes/make up. Contact Ikaika and Jennifer. Bob for apples.
Anda moves to support Spooky Skate in the amount of $150 funding. Nina seconded. Motion passed.
SPRING TRAINING – Anda sent a note to Ikaika about spring training and has had no reply. Also, to Carol Ann White and have received. Hopefully in November she will have the form for spring training during Spring Break week.
ACTION ITEMS: Summer to send out thank you for recent donations. Get contact information from Baayah for Intel donation.
ACTION ITEM: OSC dues are due. Kate will find out how much and Baayah will disburse payment.
Sip for Skate updates from Erik K. So far three tickets have been purchased.
Test Session of October 31st – need volunteers. Grace K. has volunteered. How many more will Mae need?
Skating Club of Oregon – September 12, 2015, 8:30A
Board Meeting Location: Oregon Sports Club
President Anda called the meeting to order with five members present plus one guest: Becky Post and Chair of Finances, Gordon Young and Chair of IT, Erik K.
Department of Justice: Gordon {ASAP} will follow up with lady from DOJ that the letter is out of sync with the club’s standing or what we have to do next to be in “good standing” with CT12.
Calendar of Events, including financials, ice skating events, send off with regionals with deadlines, including membership deadlines, etc. Send dates to Secretary, Summer Browner to create calendar.
Baayah received a check for SCORE from Intel {memo: Gift} in the amount of $3,910.00 and another check from Oregon Skating Council {memo: Governing Council Grant} in the amount of $200.00
Anda or Kate need to go to bank with Baayah for signatures on checks.
Winterhawks Skating Center billed the club for the ice use.
Gordon presented the financials for August 31. In checking we have about $5,500, which is less than the $10,000 in years past due to revenue loss from Nike, Intel and other companies. He reports the club has lost about $18,000 in the stock market.
Add “15 Day processing fee” to membership form. Once a month check drop.
Gordon has requested that we address Axel in regard to investments. He feels strongly that someone should have experience with nonprofit accounts.
ACTION ITEM: Anda to talk to Ameriprise about moving SCORE’s stock finances.
Gordon has has requested to make a leaner balance sheet.
MOTION: Kate moves that the club takes the ancillary accounts such as Bank of the West Money Market in the amount of $448.02, Wells Fargo -$30.73 CD and Weekend Sweep credit of $130 to move all those funds to our primary Bank of the West as well as close out all others prior to November 15th, 2015. Anda seconded. Motion passed.
Calendar of Events: Anda suggests a fundraising event early this fall. Kate suggests sometimes between now and October 6th.
Block: Regionals begins Oct 7th – 12th. Send off prior to regionals. Kate suggests to have at Raleigh Park again and hopes to get an exhibition somewhere outside of the park, which needs to be coordinated with Ikaika Young. Kate proposed or Saturday, September 26th or Saturday, October 3rd as the send of date as well as a gift.
Calendar discussion populated rest of the meeting.
//Secretary, Summer Browner
Minutes approved 10/17/2015